In last week’s article, I mentioned that pension rules had changed in April so that you no longer have to take an annuity and instead could invest your pension pot as you deem fit.
This created a few
e-mails and questions about it, therefore this week I’d like to look a little
closer into the subject of your pension.
The pension reforms
were announced in last year’s budget, giving people unprecedented access to
their pension pot. Previously, you were only allowed to take out up to a
quarter of it and were then forced to buy an annuity policy with the rest. From
the 6th April this year, anyone aged over 55 is allowed to withdraw
as much of their pension pot as they like and spend it how they wish.
Whilst this
immediately sounds like fantastic news (and caused some pundits to suggest
retirees would all be visiting their nearest Lamborghini garage) there are
serious tax implications you should be aware of.
As per the old rules,
a quarter of the pension pot can still be withdrawn tax-free. Anything above
this amount will be taxed as income. So if you took the whole lot out, the
first 25% will be tax-free but the remaining 75% will be taxed at your income
tax rate of 20%, 40% or even 45%.
Unlike the old scheme
though, you are no longer forced to buy an annuity. Critics of annuity policies
pointed out that when you died your annuity normally ended as well i.e. you had
nothing to pass to your family.
Also, in recent years
with the reduction in interest rates, the returns on offer from annuities have
been woeful (Hargreaves and Lansdown suggest a 55 year old could now receive
2.2%+inflation or 4.4% fixed for life).
Compare this to yields
in Chichester of between 4-5%, with rents that typically follow inflation and the
huge bonus of owning an asset which, history suggests, will increase in value
and, perhaps the biggest benefit of all, can also be passed down to your
I often tell those
who ask me where to invest and what property they should buy that it depends on
what they’d like to achieve. If you want to maximise your income and have less
regard to capital growth, then areas with higher rental returns such as
Portsmouth and Bognor Regis could work well, alongside a higher yielding
For many, Chichester
offers a great mix of decent rental returns but with excellent scope for
capital growth. It is also an area in strong demand from tenants, many of whom
are relatively affluent and reliable in regards to paying their rent and
looking after their home.
I’m not a financial
advisor so can’t advise you as to what is the best thing for your pension.
However, if you’d like to discuss my knowledge and experience of the various
local property markets please get in touch.
(This article was featured in the Chichester Observer's property section on 21st May 2015)
Clive Janes, CRJ Lettings. www.crjlettings.co.uk
If you are looking for an agent that is well-established, professional and communicative in Chichester, then contact us to find out how we can get the best out of your investment property.
E-mail me on clive@crjlettings.co.uk or call 01243 624 599.
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