Saturday, 1 June 2019

Community Focus: Chichester Flute Choir

The Chichester Flute Choir is a group of local adult flautists, playing together on flutes of different shapes and sizes. Run by local flute teacher Julie Twite, the flute group have been practising and performing in and around Chichester since 2016.

Previously finalists of the national Flutewise/ABRSM flute choir competition, this is the second time the Chichester Flute Choir will be performing as part of the Chichester Festival.

The concert - Summer Flutes - is on Sunday 30th June at 3pm at St. George’s Church, Cleveland Road, Chichester. This will be a concert suitable for all tastes and ages and is not to be missed! The ensemble will perform classical pieces such as Elgar's Nimrod and John Rutter's The Lord Bless You and Keep You, alongside popular music such as Bernstein's West Side Story and The Pink Panther Theme

Julie continues, “We'd also welcome new members; we are a friendly group and enjoy having tea and cake at each weekly rehearsal (Tuesday evenings, during term time). There’s no joining fee; you just ‘pay as you play’ to cover the cost of hall hire.

Tickets for the Summer Flutes concert on 30th June at 3pm cost £5, whilst under 16s are free. Tickets are available from the Chichester Box Office at the Novium, or on the door.

For further details, or if you’re interested in joining the Chichester Flute Choir, please get in touch.

Tel                   07738 228 053
Facebook        @chichesterflutechoir
Twitter             @chiflutechoir
Instagram        chiflutechoir

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