I received a frantic text from a worried tenant this weekend. He was abroad whilst his wife had stayed at home. It had been over 24 hours since they had spoken and he couldn’t get in contact with her. Could I help?
This particular flat is a couple of hours drive for me, so I wasn’t about to race around there to find her enjoying a bit of peace and quiet.
The husband was obviously very worried though, which is where being on good terms with all of your tenants can help in the unlikeliest situations.
I own another flat in the block so phoned the tenant living there and asked if he would kindly visit the wife and see if he could restore marital harmony.
My helpful tenant popped round to find the wife home, completely unaware of the panic she had caused. A broken phone charger had led to a flat battery, which had caused this period of silence.
When I updated the husband that his wife was OK he thanked me before telling me he was just about to call the police and file a missing person report!
Whilst relieved, the caring husband apparently got an earful from the wife as to why he had caused so much fuss. He also got the blame for buying “that cheap second-hand phone charger”.
If you are looking for an agent that is well-established, professional and communicative in Chichester, then contact us to find out how we can get the best out of your investment property.
E-mail me on clive@crjlettings.co.uk or call 01243 624 599.
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